November 2nd marks the 150th anniversary of the building of the Oak Hill, NY Methodist Church. On June 15, 1858, Rev. A. F. Selleck called an organizational meeting to form a new church in Oak Hill. The church cost $1500 to to build, and was completed in 1859.
On Sunday November 8th, the Oak Hill Preservation Association will present a plaque to the congregation recognizing the building's listing on the National Register of Historic Places. A celebration of the anniversary will be held at the Durham, NY Methodist church on the Susquehana Turnpike (County Route 22) near the intersection with Route 145. After the 10:45 AM service on Sunday, November 8th, Mary Lou Nahas will be presenting a slide show of the history of the church and will focus on the central part the church has played in the life of the hamlet of Oak Hill over the years. A carry-in dinner will be part of the anniversary celebration, please bring a dish if you plan on attending. Please contact Mary Lou Nahas at 239-8217 with any questions or if you are interested in contributing to the work that needs to be completed on the church in order to preserve it for the next 150 years.

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